20) {$autbaract="Y";} } else {$autname="Author Unknown";} } $keystring=$autname; $metaautpage=$autname; $bktitle=" Author page for ".$autname; $metautpage="https://a1adultebooks.com/ebooks/a".$aut.".htm"; $ahlink=$metautpage; ?> 99999) {$sh=1;} $page=($sh-1)/20; $page=$page+1; $contstring=$autname." : A1AdultEbooks : Page ".$page; $pagetitle=$autname." : A1AdultEbooks : Page ".$page; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "$pagetitle"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; ?> "; print " "; if ($dispbooks!="N") { print ""; } else { print ""; } print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); include("../scripts/sidebar2024.php"); print "
"; print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); include("../scripts/sidebar2024.php"); print "
"; print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); include("../scripts/sidebar2024.php"); print "
"; if ($dispbooks=="N") { print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); print "
"; print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); print "
"; } print ""; print ""; if ($dispbooks!="N") { print ""; print " "; print "
"; $autbio=""; $autweb=""; $resultau=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00authors where aut_number='$aut'"); while($rowau = mysqli_fetch_row($resultau)) { if ($rowau[1]==$aut) { $autseek=$rowau[5]; $pubid=$rowau[2]; $autname=$rowau[5]; $isf4=$rowau[7]; $autbio=$rowau[6]; $autweb=$rowau[44]; $autname=stripslashes($autname); $autbio=stripslashes($autbio); $autweb=stripslashes($autweb); } } $autbio=stripslashes($autbio); $autweb=stripslashes($autweb); $pubdesc=""; if ($isf4=="Y") { $pubdesc="Published by Fiction4All"; } else { $pubdesc="Published by the author or their publisher";} // display author bio etc at top of page if (strlen($autbio)>10) { $prtaut=$autname; $prtaut=str_replace(" "," ",$prtaut); print ""; print " "; print "
"; print "

About $prtaut:

"; print "


"; if ($autweb!="" and $autweb!=" ") { print "

Visit the author website at:$autweb

"; } print "
"; print "
"; } // check for author announcements $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00announce WHERE (pa_aut='$autlinkno' )"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows>0) { print ""; print " "; print "
"; print "

See annnouncements for this author after the books below

"; print "
"; print "
"; } $filterstrg="pr_f4ok='Y' and (pr_style='E' or pr_style='S' or pr_style='D' or pr_style='R')"; $notitles="0"; // first off calculate the total number in the category/author etc $totcnt=0; // check the file to get total number to include based on exclusion rules $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' AND pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_recno DESC"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { $notitles="1"; } $endsh=(intval($numrows/20)*20)+1; if (!isset($sh) or $sh==""){$sh=1;} $shlast=$sh+19; if ($shlast>$numrows){$shlast=$numrows;} $pfcnt=0; $swcnt=1; if ($numrows==0) { $notitles="1"; } // header bar print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; // enter a little table for the header section! print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; print "
"; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "
"; print "

Sort"; print " "; print "

"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print " "; print " "; print ""; print "
"; $prtaut=$autname; // $prtaut=str_replace(" ","C",$prtaut); print "

The $prtaut Library"; print "

"; $resultai=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00autinterviews WHERE ai_aut='$aut' "); $numrowsai = mysqli_num_rows($resultai); if ($numrowsai!=0) { print "

Click Here For Radio Interview And Other Media Links For $prtaut"; print "

"; } print "
"; if ($notitles=="1") { print "

No titles can be displayed - this could be a result of your Content Filter setting."; } if ($numrows>20) { print "

"; $numrowstop=$numrows+20; $cnt=20; while ($cnt<$numrowstop) { $page=$cnt/20; $startcnt=$cnt-19; if ($page==20 or $page==40 or $page==60 or $page==80 or $page==100 or $page==120 or $page==140 or $page==160 or $page==180 or $page==200 or $page==220 or $page==240 or $page==260 or $page==280) { print "
"; } if ($startcnt!=$sh) { print " $page "; } else { print " $page "; } $cnt=$cnt+20; } print "

"; print "
"; } // if numrows>19 else { print "
"; } print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print " "; print "
"; $lcnt=0; $maxcnt=0; // now process the products file for category/author etc $pdbflg="Y"; $numcells=1; if ($catseq=="A") // alphabetical by title { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' AND pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_titlelc"); } // end of list by latest addition first if ($catseq=="R") // Date added - most recent titles first { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_recno DESC"); } // end of date added if ($catseq=="D") // best-selling this year { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_yrsold DESC "); } // end of best-selling this year if ($catseq=="E") // best-selling all time { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_nosold DESC "); } // end of best-selling all time if ($catseq=="L") // word count low high { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_words "); } // end of word count - low high if ($catseq=="M") // word count high low { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_words DESC "); } // end of word count - high low if ($catseq=="P") // list price low high { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_pubprice "); } // end of price - low high if ($catseq=="Q") // list price high low { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE ($filterstrg and pr_status='A' and pr_aut='$aut' ) ORDER by pr_pubprice DESC"); } // end of price - high low $fromaut="Y"; while($rowp = mysqli_fetch_row($resultp)) { $pfcnt++; if ($pfcnt>=$sh and $pfcnt<=$shlast) { $pr=$rowp[0]; include("../scripts/bookprocmeta.php"); include("../scripts/booklayout2022.php"); print "
"; } } print "
"; print ""; // now try contributions to anthologies/GP // check the file to get total number to include based on exclusion rules $noanths="0"; $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM gpanthsubs WHERE (gs_autno='$aut' and gs_anthstatus='A' ) ORDER by gs_recno DESC"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { $noanths="1"; } $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM ddanthsubs WHERE (gs_autno='$aut' and gs_anthstatus='A' ) ORDER by gs_recno DESC"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { $noanths="1"; } // header bar print ""; print " "; print "
"; if ($noanths=="1") { $prtaut=$autname; $prtaut=str_replace(" "," ",$prtaut); print "

$prtaut Anthology Contributions"; $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM gpanthsubs WHERE (gs_autno='$aut' and gs_anthstatus='A' and gs_product!='0' ) "); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { print "

$prtaut has contributions in the following Gravestone Press anthologies"; $oldpr=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $pr=$row[18]; if ($pr!=0) { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_gpok='Y' and pr_status='A' AND pr_code='$pr') ORDER by pr_pubprice DESC"); while($rowp = mysqli_fetch_row($resultp)) { if ($pr!=$oldpr) { $pr=$rowp[1]; include("../scripts/bookprocmeta.php"); include("../scripts/booklayout2022.php"); print "

"; } $oldpr=$pr; } } } } $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM ddanthsubs WHERE (gs_autno='$aut' and gs_anthstatus='A' and gs_product!='0' ) "); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { print "

$prtaut has contributions in the following Double Dragon anthologies"; $oldpr=0; while($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $pr=$row[18]; if ($pr!=0) { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_gpok='Y' and pr_status='A' AND pr_code='$pr') ORDER by pr_pubprice DESC"); while($rowp = mysqli_fetch_row($resultp)) { if ($pr!=$oldpr) { $pr=$rowp[1]; include("../scripts/bookprocmeta.php"); include("../scripts/booklayout2022.php"); print "

"; } $oldpr=$pr; } } } } $oldanth=0; $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM gpanthsubs WHERE (gs_autno='$aut' and gs_anthstatus='A' and gs_product='0') ORDER by gs_anthno "); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { print "

$prtaut has contributions in these upcoming Gravestone Press anthologies:-"; while($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { if ($oldanth!=$row[5]) { $anthtitle=stripslashes($row[6]); print "

$anthtitle"; $oldanth=$row[5]; } } } $oldanth=0; $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM ddanthsubs WHERE (gs_autno='$aut' and gs_anthstatus='A' and gs_product='0') ORDER by gs_anthno "); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { print "

$prtaut has contributions in these upcoming Double Dragon anthologies:-"; while($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { if ($oldanth!=$row[5]) { $anthtitle=stripslashes($row[6]); print "

$anthtitle"; $oldanth=$row[5]; } } } } print "

"; // put in announcements $resultan=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00announce WHERE (pa_aut='$autlinkno' and pa_prod='0' )"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($resultan); if ($numrows!=0) { print ""; print " "; print "
"; print "


"; print "
"; } $resultan=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00announce WHERE (pa_aut='$autlinkno' and pa_prod='0' ) order by pa_date DESC"); while($rowan = mysqli_fetch_row($resultan)) { $annrec=$rowan[0]; $anntype=$rowan[3]; $anndate=$rowan[4]; $anntitle=stripslashes($rowan[5]); $anndesc=stripslashes($rowan[6]); $annlogo=$rowan[7]; // get type description $resultad=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00announcetypes where at_type='$anntype' "); while($rowad = mysqli_fetch_row($resultad)) { $tdesc=stripslashes($rowad[2]); } $atyr=substr($anndate,0,4); $atmth=substr($anndate,4,2); $atday=substr($anndate,6,2); $badge=""; if ($annlogo!="") { $badge="https://fiction4all.com/announcements/$annlogo"; } print "
"; if ($badge!="") { print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; print "

"; print "
"; } print "

Date : Day ($atday) Mth ($atmth) Year ($atyr)"; print "

Type : $tdesc"; print "

$anntitle"; print "

$anndesc"; if ($badge!="") { print "

"; } } $resultan=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00announce WHERE (pa_aut='$autlinkno' and pa_prod!='0' ) order by pa_date DESC"); while($rowan = mysqli_fetch_row($resultan)) { $annrec=$rowan[0]; $anntype=$rowan[3]; $anndate=$rowan[4]; $anntitle=stripslashes($rowan[5]); $anndesc=stripslashes($rowan[6]); $annlogo=$rowan[7]; // get type description $resultad=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00announcetypes where at_type='$anntype' "); while($rowad = mysqli_fetch_row($resultad)) { $tdesc=stripslashes($rowad[2]); } $atyr=substr($anndate,0,4); $atmth=substr($anndate,4,2); $atday=substr($anndate,6,2); $badge=""; if ($annlogo!="") { $badge="https://fiction4all.com/announcements/$annlogo"; } print "
"; if ($badge!="") { print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; print "

"; print "
"; } print "

Date : Day ($atday) Mth ($atmth) Year ($atyr)"; print "

Type : $tdesc"; print "

$anntitle"; print "

$anndesc"; if ($badge!="") { print "

"; } } print "
"; } print ""; include("../scripts/bottombar2024.php"); ?>