"; print ""; print ""; print "$pagetitle"; print ""; ?> "; print " "; if ($dispbooks!="N") { print ""; } else { print ""; } print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); include("../scripts/sidebar2024.php"); print "
"; print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); include("../scripts/sidebar2024.php"); print "
"; print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); include("../scripts/sidebar2024.php"); print "
"; if ($dispbooks=="N") { print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); print "
"; print "
"; include("../scripts/leftbar2024.php"); print "
"; } print ""; print ""; $filterstrg=""; if ($inimp!="" and isset($inimp)) { $filterstrg=" pr_imprint='$inimp'"; } if ($dispbooks!="N") { // first off calculate the total number in the category/author etc $notitles="0"; $totcnt=0; // check the file to get total number to include based on exclusion rules $result=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' and (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_recno DESC"); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($numrows!=0) { $notitles="1"; } $endsh=(intval($numrows/20)*20)+1; if (!isset($sh) or $sh==""){$sh=1;} $shlast=$sh+19; if ($shlast>$numrows){$shlast=$numrows;} $pfcnt=0; $swcnt=1; print ""; print " "; print "
"; // display the header first print ""; print " "; print "
"; if ($notitles=="0") { $resultgr=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00genres where gr_code='$cat' "); while($rowgr = mysqli_fetch_row($resultgr)) { print "


"; } print "

No titles were found in this category."; } else { // enter a little table for the header section! print "

"; print " "; print " "; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "
"; print "

Sort Sequence
"; print " "; print "

"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; $resultgr=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00genres where gr_code='$cat' "); while($rowgr = mysqli_fetch_row($resultgr)) { print "

$rowgr[2]"; if ($rowgr[3]!="" and $rowgr[3]!=" ") { print " - $rowgr[3]"; } print "

Click cover for book page and excerpt"; } print "

"; print "
"; if ($numrows>20) { print ""; print " "; print ""; // based on the current page number $curpage=(intval($sh/20))+1; $starpage=(intval($curpage/10)*10)+1; $finpage=(intval($numrows/20))+1; $endpage=(intval($finpage/10)*10)+1; $preendpage=$endpage-10; if ($preendpage<1) {$preendpage=1; } if ($curpage>20) { print ""; } else { print ""; } if ($curpage>10) { $backcnt=$starpage-10; $backcnt=$backcnt*20-19; print ""; } else { print ""; } print ""; if ($curpage<$endpage) { $nextcnt=$starpage+10; $nextcnt=($nextcnt*20)-19; $fincnt=$finpage*20-19; if ($nextcnt>$fincnt) {$nextcnt=$endpage*20-19;} print ""; } else { print ""; } if ($curpage<$preendpage) { $fincnt=$finpage*20-19; print ""; } else { print ""; } print ""; print "
 "; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; print "

"; print "PAGE:  "; // now display 10 pages from the starpage count $cnt=0; $page=$starpage; while ($cnt<10 and $page<$finpage) { $page=$starpage+$cnt; $startcnt=$page*20; $startcnt=$startcnt-19; if ($startcnt!=$sh) { print " $page "; } else { print " $page "; } $cnt++; } print "

"; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; } // if numrows>20 print "
"; print "
"; } print ""; print " "; // now process the products file for category/author etc $pdbflg="Y"; $cnt=0; $numcells=1; if ($catseq=="A") // alphabetical by title { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_titlelc"); } // end of list by latest addition first if ($catseq=="R") // Date added - most recent titles first { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_recno DESC"); } // end of date added if ($catseq=="D") // best-selling this year { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_totyrsold DESC"); } // end of best-selling this year if ($catseq=="E") // best-selling all time { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_totnosold DESC"); } // end of best-selling all time if ($catseq=="L") // word count low high { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_words"); } // end of word count - low high if ($catseq=="M") // word count high low { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_words DESC"); } // end of word count - high low if ($catseq=="P") // list price low high { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_pubprice"); } // end of price - low high if ($catseq=="Q") // list price high low { $resultp=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT pr_code FROM 00productmeta WHERE (pr_status='A' and pr_f4ok='Y' AND (pr_genre1='$cat' OR pr_genre2='$cat' OR pr_genre3='$cat' OR pr_genre4='$cat' OR pr_genre5='$cat')) ORDER by pr_f4gold DESC, pr_pubprice DESC"); } // end of price - high low while($rowp = mysqli_fetch_row($resultp) ) { $pfcnt++; if ($pfcnt>=$sh and $pfcnt<=$shlast) { $pr=$rowp[0]; include("../scripts/bookprocmeta.php"); include("../scripts/booklayout2022.php"); print "
"; } } print "
"; if ($notitles!="0") { // display the header first print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; if ($notitles=="0") { $resultgr=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00genres where gr_code='$cat' "); while($rowgr = mysqli_fetch_row($resultgr)) { print "


"; } print "

No titles were found in this category. Please try again soon."; } // enter a little table for the header section! print "

"; print " "; print " "; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print " "; print " "; print " "; print " "; print "
"; print "

Sort Sequence
"; print " "; print "

"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print ""; print " "; print " "; print "
"; $resultgr=mysqli_query($linkns, "SELECT * FROM 00genres where gr_code='$cat' "); while($rowgr = mysqli_fetch_row($resultgr)) { print "

$rowgr[2]"; if ($rowgr[3]!="" and $rowgr[3]!=" ") { print " - $rowgr[3]"; } } print "

"; print "
"; if ($numrows>20) { print ""; print " "; print ""; // based on the current page number $curpage=(intval($sh/20))+1; $starpage=(intval($curpage/10)*10)+1; $finpage=(intval($numrows/20))+1; $endpage=(intval($finpage/10)*10)+1; $preendpage=$endpage-10; if ($preendpage<1) {$preendpage=1; } if ($curpage>20) { print ""; } else { print ""; } if ($curpage>10) { $backcnt=$starpage-10; $backcnt=$backcnt*20-19; print ""; } else { print ""; } print ""; if ($curpage<$endpage) { $nextcnt=$starpage+10; $nextcnt=($nextcnt*20)-19; $fincnt=$finpage*20-19; if ($nextcnt>$fincnt) {$nextcnt=$endpage*20-19;} print ""; } else { print ""; } if ($curpage<$preendpage) { $fincnt=$finpage*20-19; print ""; } else { print ""; } print ""; print "
 "; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; print "

"; print "PAGE:  "; // now display 10 pages from the starpage count $cnt=0; $page=$starpage; while ($cnt<10 and $page<$finpage) { $page=$starpage+$cnt; $startcnt=$page*20; $startcnt=$startcnt-19; if ($startcnt!=$sh) { print " $page "; } else { print " $page "; } $cnt++; } print "

"; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; print "

"; print ""; print "

"; print "


"; } // if numrows>20 print "
"; print "
"; } print "
"; } print "
"; include("../scripts/bottombar2024.php"); ?>