From the devices on the table Rajhput had laid out Jalong picked up a pair of delicate metal filigree objects the size the bowls of teacups linked by a short chain and a larger triangle of mesh about the size of a cupped hand with a ring hung from its lower tip.  Longer chains dangled from upper corners, making it look like the front panel of an extremely abbreviated metallic bikini.  Both types of cup had slots in the centres through which the chains passed: the slots in the round cups were ovoid in shape while in the triangular panel they formed a longer ellipse.  The inner edges of the slot in the triangular panel also had what looked like rubber tongues protruding from them.

‘From now on you will be restrained at all times by one means or another,’ Jalong told them.   ‘These will help you learn your place and the importance of obedience.  And of course they will also protect your virginity… while you still possess it.’

The girls shuddered and stifled moans of despair.

With Rajput’s help he went along the line of their spread-eagled naked and restrained bodies, fitting the sets of metal cups to them.  The small pair went over their breasts.  The slots in the centres were large enough for their nipples protrude through.  The inside edges were lined with soft rubber and clung to their flesh.  The ends of the chain linking them were fitted with delicate screw clamps which were fastened to the base of their nipples and so twisted across the slots that it was impossible for them to slip back through.

Audrey bit on the bamboo rods trapping her tongue as the clamps closed about her nipples, forcing them to stand out in fleshy cones from the rings of finely woven metal that now surrounded them like halos.  The chain linking the cups now hung between them in a gentle arc.  Audrey was acutely aware of its weight tugging on her pinched throbbing nipples.

The larger cups were pressed up between their spread thighs where they moulded themselves to the pouting contours of their pudenda’s.  The slots in the cups rested over their clefts and their inward facing rubber tongues parted their outer sex lips, exposing their secret inner valleys and the mouths of their virginal passages.  The chains ran up over their hips and around their backs to where they met and were joined together by a small ornamented padlock, and then ran down together through the cleft of their buttocks to the ring hanging from the base of the mesh cups, which now swung back and upwards and so framed the puckers of their rectums.   The chains were passed through the ring and then back up so their ends could be secured to the padlock in the small of their backs

 The clamps on the ends of the slot chains, which dangled for a few inches below the cups, were closed about the fleshy buttons of their clitorises, which only recently the girls had began to become more aware of after they had awoken from some dark exciting dream and found their thighs wet and sticky.  They had been taught human biology at school and knew their functions, but only now did they realize how painfully sensitive they were.  The chains tugged on them, pulling them out through the slots in the mesh cups.

When their breasts and vaginas had all been clipped and enclosed, Jalong stood back and surveyed them with satisfaction.  Now their soft flesh was confined at its most intimate parts by hard metal and rubber.  Confused by this unnatural stimulation Audrey felt her nipples standing up stiffly and pulsing, even as the slots of their metal cups pressed into them, while her nether mouth, parted by the rubber tongues of its metal cap, felt strangely hot and wet, as though needful of something she could not give it.   

‘The slots in the mesh are open enough for you to pass water through but they will keep out larger objects until the time comes for your maidenheads to be taken,’ Jalong told them.  ‘The hanging chains are to help educate you in the way of obedience.  You see your schooling is not finished.  Now we are going to teach you how to be good submissive slaves without inhibitions.  And the sooner you learn this lesson the less you will suffer…’

And so he and Rajhput began pulling on the chains that dangled from their bodies, moving quickly from girl to girl and yanking on them like frenzied bellringers.  The girls shrieked in pain about their clamped tongues, writhing in their frames and making their chains jingle and the wood creak, as their nipples and then their clitorises were pulled out through the slots in the mesh by their clamps, causing excruciating pain.  Dragged along by their nipples, their breasts were jerked up, down and from side to side: stretching and bouncing as they were drawn out into unnatural cones.  The fleshy hoods of their clitorises were pulled out through the slots of their metal caps like pink elastic even as they burned and pulsed with blood.

It was too much to bear!

One by one they gave in to their fear and pain and jets of hot pee spurted through their parted labia and out of the slots in their chastity caps.  It spattered over the bases of the frames to join older stains already dried into them.  They were not the first girls to suffer this way in Bandanor and they would not be the last.