“Are you sure you're okay on your own?”

“I'm fine,” Miranda assured the woman as she watched her saddle the mare. “Look.”

She held out her smart-phone, which had GPS function.

“You just press this button, and the phone remembers where you are. See? Now it remembers where this place is, and wherever I go it will track me, and I can just look at it to lead me back here again.”

This was her first trip alone. The two previous ones had been with Hannah. But Hannah wasn't as enthused about riding as she was, and Miranda didn't want to prevail on her again so soon. She had packed a picnic, and intended to pretend she was all alone in the world, that it was long before any Europeans had even discovered America, and just enjoy being with nature.

She had planned this expedition for some days, and been quite excited by it. True, it was hotter than she'd hoped, but she had a lovely sun hat, and lots of sunscreen. She decided, at the last minute, to wear one of her summer dresses, even though it wasn't exactly appropriate for riding. Her legs would be bare, after all, at least up to the knees!

But the summer dress would be far cooler than wearing jeans, and no one would be about in any event to see her bare legs. It meant she had to use sunscreen on them, but that was certainly doable.

The first part of the ride was everything she could have wanted! It was lovely out, and she headed generally west, for Hannah had said there was a larger lake in that direction and she felt very much like exploring. Riding the horse, legs astride, pushed the summer dress up much higher than she'd have thought, but that didn't really matter since no one was around.

She had plenty of water, and used it carefully, and also regularly replenished the sunscreen as Winny, the horse, ambled along. When they reached a large area of short grass she got ambitious and they galloped for a time. It was quite thrilling and she was having an enormous amount of fun. Winny seemed to enjoy that, as well.

After a while they came to an area with animal tracks everywhere, and it was clear to her that this was one of the areas Hannah had told her was used to graze cattle. The smell was rather less pleasant there, due to the many droppings, so she pushed on hurriedly. Winny, however, expressed a decided preference for turning to the right, and Miranda let her have her way for a bit.

Before long, a narrow, rushing river came into view. Winny walked right in, ignoring Miranda's pull at the reins, and when she was almost in to the belly, bent her long neck to drink.  She stopped before Miranda's feet would have been in the water, so Miranda shrugged and sat back, looking around. It wasn't the prettiest of areas. In fact, from the amount of hoof marks in the surrounding ground it was used as a watering hole for the cattle.

“Come on, you. Don't get too greedy,” she said, tugging at the reins again.

Winny pulled her head up and turned back to shore. Once she stepped out, though, she began to paw at the mud. Miranda had only a moment to realize what that meant.

“No!” she chided, tugging at the reins.

Too late. The horse leaned forward, then began to roll over. Miranda yelped, throwing herself off as the horse began to roll on the ground.  It was far from the first time a horse had rolled on her, of course. Horses would do that from time to time, but she usually spotted the warning signs sooner. More to the point, the ground was very soft and muddy there, and her right foot sank in further than her left, tossing her off balance so that she too wound up rolling in the mud!

Worse. It wasn't just mud.

“Oh ick!” she cried as she jumped up.

There were numerous cattle droppings around, and the wet mud had kept them rather moist as well.

Her pretty summer dress was soaked in mud – and other material. Giving a frantic look around, she yanked it up over her head and tossed it off. However, the mud (and other stuff) had soaked through into her underthings as well. Again she gave a frantic look around, then yanked them off, stripping right there at the edge of the river.

She grabbed her things and moved over to a rocky area where the ground was clear.

“Ick! Gross! Gross!” she gasped.

She quickly removed her shoes and socks, then waded gingerly into the river. Having gotten as clean as she could without soap, she eased out of the pond, picked up her dress by a clean corner, and dragged it into the water, grossed out again as she swished it about in an effort to clean off the mess.

Fortunately, the river, though only a few dozen yards wide, moved quite quickly, and was, for the most part, shallow. She muttered to herself, and glared at Winny, now standing contentedly and munching at some grass.

“Bad horse!” she called.

Winny ignored her.

Miranda continued to look around nervously, for she was, after all, entirely naked. But she hadn't come across any sign of human habitation in over an hour. The river was slightly depressed from the surrounding grassy countryside. The only trees were a scattering along the edges of the river, and, standing, she could see for miles.

That relieved her concern, for the most part, and after washing the dress, and underthings as best she could she spread them on a nearby bush to dry in the sunlight.

Now without the rush of cleaning she felt somewhat odd, disconcerted. Being naked out of doors felt quite naughty, but with no one anywhere nearby she began to rather enjoy it. She began to feel daring and free.

She tied Winny to a low bush, the same one as her clothes were on, in fact, then took out her picnic and sat down on some nearby grass in the shade of a tree to eat. Eating naked was another thing she'd never done, much less out of doors! Again, she felt very daring, and even somewhat aroused for being so wicked.

She felt she really should put the dress on, wet or not, but she wanted to go into the river again after eating. It was quite hot out, and she would enjoy a little wad.

After a snack, she stood up and waded into the river, then spotted an area of flat rocks just a little way up. She waded carefully through the knee deep water, and found a spot where she could actually sit, and then lay down in the river! While lying on the rocks she was only partially submerged, for the water was only inches deep at that point. It swept over her, however, bubbling past her head and then when she found a spot she could raise that, she discovered she could lay almost entirely under the water – all but her breasts.

It was so calm, so peaceful, and so one-with-nature that she reveled in it. The only sound was that of the rushing water. Being naked began to seem less naughty and more natural.

And then it became entirely too natural, as she heard a new sound intrude into her thoughts. It sounded rather like rattling of some sort. She lifted her head off and looked towards Winny, and saw her jerk her head up. A moment later a snake slid into view and Winny let out a horsy cry and jerked her head back, turned and fled.

Miranda jumped to her feet in alarm. For not only was the snake entirely too large, and entirely too close, but the bush she had tied Winny too had been pulled out of the earth by the reins tied to it, and as Winny took off, the bush, and her clothing, went with her!

But her immediate thought was for the snake. She squealed and splashed wildly across the river to the other side, heart in her throat as the snake slid towards the edge of the river.

It certainly looked like a rattlesnake! And Hannah had taken great pains to warn her not to get close to them!

The snake seemed content to drink from the river, however, and after some frantic seconds, Miranda stared after Winny and realized that the horse had taken everything but her little (now empty) picnic basket and the remains of her meal with her. She'd even left her phone in a saddlebag lest it get wet.

“You stupid horse!' she cried in frustration.

Of course, she could hardly blame Winny for running from a rattlesnake. So she castigated herself for tying the reins so tightly to the same bush as her clothes were on. Not that there were a lot of other suitable bushes around...

She hurried downriver and put her foot into the water, then began to wade across. It was about then the snake slid fully into the river, and with a scream, Miranda hurried frantically back to shore and ran back several yards, heart pounding.

She put her arm across her bare breasts then. It hurt to run when naked!

She had always been rather self-consciously proud of her figure, of her body. Her breasts, though somewhat too large, were, she thought, of a lovely shape, quite nicely rounded, and due to her vigorous exercise regimen – and youth – nicely firm. But they were, as Annie had pointed out, real, and when her body moved abruptly, her breasts tended to move too, uncomfortably so.

Glaring at the snake, which seemed to be gliding comfortably along the surface and heading downstream, she turned and, arm across her chest, hurried upstream. When she was a suitable distance she hurried across the stream, panicking once at a sound so that she fell entirely into the river and then panicking again for fear the snake would turn and get her.

She jumped up and ran for shore, but it was the wrong shore. Almost cursing, she made her way across again, carefully this time, and then stared around helplessly, looking for Winny. The horse had run off away from the river, but angling towards downstream, so there was nothing to be done but follow – naked.

She hadn't gone far before she realized how difficult it was going to be walking without shoes, and, remembering hers, she turned and headed back for the river, even more frustrated. When she reached the spot of her picnic she very slowly and carefully moved in, head turning from side to side warily.

And then she spotted both the snake, and her shoes. The former was curled up right next to the latter.

“You stupid snake!” she cried.

The snake ignored her.

There seemed nothing around she could throw at the thing, so, in hopes Winny had not run far, she turned and headed off in the general direction the horse had fled.

She had been walking for some time when she heard the sound of a horse's hooves. It came from behind her, though, and when she turned, her eyes widened in shock and horror, for while a horse was certainly approaching, it was not Winny. And a man was riding it!

Panic gripped her! Miranda turned and ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction! One arm across her chest to keep her breasts in place, the other pumping wildly, she headed for a copse of trees fifty yards or so away.

She didn't reach it.

She heard the horse's hooves approaching, much faster, galloping. She turned her head wildly and saw the man riding down upon her as if he meant to ride her over! She tried to run faster, her feet sinking into the soft earth as she pelted forward. And then, much to her shock, a coiled rope fell around her and snapped tight.

She squealed in shock and fear as the rope pinned her arms to her sides, then yanked her back. She lost her balance and fell, quickly scrambling to her feet and trying to continue. But the rope dragged her back, and spun her around, and she found herself staring up in appalled embarrassment at a craggy jawed older man wearing a cowboy hat and a scowl.

“Just what do you think yer doing here, girl?” he demanded, as if her nudity was completely unworthy of notice.

He was a tall, wide shouldered man, older, with a thick head of longish, graying black hair and a thick, bushy mustache

Miranda could not bring herself to even speak. She was mortified! She struggled frantically to free her arms so she could at least cover herself somewhat, but the man only pulled harder on the rope, tightening it further.

“This is private property,” he growled a deep voice which spoke of vast irritation. “You got no business traipsing around on it like its some kind of nudist paradise.”

“I-I wasn't... I-I didn't...  you let me go this instant!” she cried, face flaming.

His scowl only deepened. “Girl, no one gives me orders, especially not on my own land. Especially when they wasn’t invited.”

“I-I wasn't... I didn't know it was... private!” she stuttered. “My horse ran! I – .”

“Your horse, huh? And what kind of horse was it?” he demanded.

He pulled on the rope as if reeling in a fish, and Miranda's struggles to stay back were futile as she was forced to stumble closer and closer!


“I-It was black!” she cried.

He snorted in disdain. “Black? That ain't a breed, girl.”

“I don't know what it was! It was a horse! Let me go this instant or I'll – .”

“Or you'll what?” he demanded, pulling her right up to the side of the horse and leaning over with a scowl.

“I-I'll tell the police!”

He snorted again. “I don't know what kind of foreigner you is, girl,” he growled, “But around here I got the right to shoot trespassers!”

Miranda was appalled and bewildered by what was happening. She was naked! She was completely and entirely naked! She wasn't even able to cover her private parts as this horrible man, this, this cowboy, stared at her without the least hint of regret! How dare he!

It was also somewhat disconcerting that he barely seemed to even take notice of her being naked, of course. Miranda had lived her life since puberty with the certain knowledge that perverted boys and then men would give almost anything for a glimpse of her naked body. And she had made sure they didn't get that glimpse! And yet, here was this crass, ignorant man staring at her naked and he didn't even seem to care!

As if seeing her naked was not at all worthy of notice!

Miranda knew she was very attractive. She couldn't not know it given the level of interest shown her by men of every age. She had taken care not to show any measure of great pride in that given it was hardly her work (well, except for her careful exercise and diet), but still, it had always been a part, an assumption of her character, of how she saw herself. She saw herself as a very attractive and desirable woman.

So why wasn't this pig of a man showing any attraction or desire given that he was seeing her completely NAKED?! That thought should not have really occurred to her. She even found it, in part, a relief, easing her fear slightly. But it also fueled a kind of resentment and indignation at the same time.

“How do I know yer not some sort of thief?”

“Thief!?” she exclaimed indignantly. “What is there to steal out here? Grass!?”

“Horses and cattle, girl,” he snapped.

Miranda struggled again to pull her arms free.

“Release me at once!”

His eyes narrowed. “I told you I don't take well to orders. You give me another one I'm likely to tan your bottom for you. And it wouldn't be no effort seeing how you ain't wearing no clothes.”

Her face heated even further. “I was wearing clothing!” she shouted. “My horse ran off with it!”

“Yer horse took off your clothes and ran off? Even your undies?”

For perhaps the first time in her life Miranda felt like cursing at someone!

“I fell in the muck and had to wash them!”

She could hardly believe she was having to carry on a conversation with a man while she was stark naked!

He shook his head in disbelief.

“Will you please untie me, you wretched, ignorant, uncouth man!?”

He frowned, and brought his hand to his chin, rubbing it thoughtfully.

“I don't believe I will,” he said. “I believe I'll take you back to the sheriff.”

“But... you can't keep me naked!”

He raised his eyebrows. “I wasn't the one who made you naked, girl. And I don't carry around spare dresses when I'm riding the range. Anyways, it don't look like you're doing too badly. It's warm enough.”

She struggled again, furiously, and he jerked on the rope.

“Damn you!” she shouted.

That, to Miranda, was an appalling breech of civility, for to curse was simply unacceptable, under any circumstances. Well, almost any. These circumstances were extreme. Still, she was sorry the moment the words left her mouth, though not for the sentiment.

She was even more sorry as the man yanked the rope even closer, so that she actually ran into the horse. He reached down with a strong, rough hand, slipped it entirely around her arm, and yanked her up and forward to land sprawling across the horse just in front of him, belly down.

“I'll teach you what young-uns should always learn early in life,” he growled, “That being respect for their elder n betters!”

With that, his big hand came slapping down across her naked, upturned bottom with a resounding impact that rent the air with the sound of flesh on flesh, followed a moment later by her squeal of pain.


Crack! He slapped her again.

“Oww! Stop that!”


“Oww! Stop it! Don't you dare touch me!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Miranda squirmed and kicked her feet and legs frantically, pulling her arms wildly against the rope pinning them to her sides, but she could offer no meaningful resistance as the man rained sharp, stinging blows down on her bottom.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Don't! Ow! Oww! Ahh! Stop!”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“I don't told you not to try to give me orders, girl,” he growled.

Miranda felt the stinging pain in her buttocks growing, felt the skin getting warmer, then white hot. But it was not the pain which brought tears to her eyes, but the shame and sheer frustration. She felt the tears welling up, and then spilling out as she lost the words to protest and sobbed helplessly.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Don't think crying is going to stop your punishment, girl,” he said.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“I raised kids and I know how to teach them proper behavior.”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Pleeeease!” she sobbed.

“You ready to behave?”


There was no word which would suffice to stop him other than one.

“Yeeees!” she sobbed.

She gasped as he jerked her back. She felt herself sliding down the horse, stumbled, and would have fallen but for the rope pulling tight again.

“You just come along with me and we'll see what's what,” he said.

And then, without another look back, he started forward. Miranda stared at him with her bottom on fire, and a look of disbelief in her eyes until the rope went taut and she was almost jerked off her feet. Gasping for breath, still sniffling, unable to even wipe the tears off her cheeks, she was forced to scurry after the horse, the rope still cinched tight around her arms.

After some seconds, she called out to him.

“Please! Please sir!” she gasped.

He turned and looked at her.

“What is it?”

“I can't run very far! And... and I'm naked!”

“We ain't going far, and naked is how we're all made.”

His horse continued to move, and Miranda continued to hurry after him. It wasn't running, precisely, but too fast for walking. She had to walk a little, then jog, then walk again.


She hesitated. She was about to tell him what he must do, or what he couldn't do, and her bottom was still very hot.

“But it's not proper for me to be naked around you!” she cried.

He looked back again. “Proper is as proper does,” he said rather enigmatically.

What on earth did that mean!?

“Where's your husband anyway?”

“I'm not married!”

He turned again, looking back over his horse.

“Now that's a fool shame thing,” he said. “You look built to have babies. And any young man would find you pleasing to the eye, especially those big breasts.”

She flushed red again, but he turned his head away as if not particularly interested in looking at her. Fortunately, they didn't have far to go. In fact, they headed towards the copse of trees she had been running to, and as they got closer she saw there was a low structure there, a cabin of some sort, though roughly made.

Perhaps he was gay, she thought hopefully.

That would make it slightly less horrible to be seen naked, and make him considerably less threatening. Though to be honest he hadn't shown much interest in her body, much less molesting her.

It would also assuage that part of her which found that lack of interest quite insulting.

It had always been a part of Miranda's assumption that men would court her, and that eventually she would allow one, presuming he met her stringent criteria for acceptance, to get the pot at the end of the rainbow which was her virginity and body. It had not occurred to her that men might not find her quite so golden and desirable.

This was the first one who had seen her naked, and he was clearly not impressed.

But why ever not?