Chapter One


Glancing beyond the security obstacles to where his female companion, temporarily distracted by the taxi driver, fussed with her suitcase and the bright blue Louis Vuiton handbag, the clean shaven young man with the mop of black hair wrote urgently in lines of flowing Arabic script.

‘Suitcase to be switched, successfully dispatched with Doctor Twopenny. Since she will be wearing a burqua, you will identify her by the suitcase being identical to yours.  She knows nothing of the plan.  If there is any difficulty, tell her you come from Said and she will give eager cooperation.  Be careful.  Her mother worked in Egypt as an archaeologist.  She knows Arabic.’  He checked an impulse to add a religious exhortation; the Name of God should not be written on something that would be eaten after it had been read.  He folded the fragment of McDonald’s edible packaging that held the message, using the enemy’s technology against him was an approved technique, and dropped it into the trash can.  Walking away towards the taxi the plate glass windows of the shops opposite enabled him to keep its reflected image in sight.  He saw the boy move along, glance round as he came level with the can, then reach in and dart away.

Hooded and chained, as she had been kept constantly, except during the brief interrogations by men with brutal faces speaking an Arabic that she found difficult to follow, Doctor Jane Twopenny in her prison, reflected upon what had happened.  They had nearly reached the airport, silver planes visible in the distance across the scrub, when two unmarked cars blocked the road where it went into a shallow dip to cross a brush-filled ravine by a concrete bridge.  Uniformed men poured from the cars brandishing weapons and then firing wildly as Said and the driver burst from the car and sprinted for the cover of the ravine.  She had seen the body of the driver lying in a spreading pool of blood but Said had disappeared over the rocky edge in a cloud of dust.

Why had they taken her Louis Vuitton handbag, despite her frantic pleas and protests?  The last she had seen of it before she had been driven away, it had been standing in the open desert with a ring of men keeping their distance from it as if they feared it might explode.  It was one Said had given her to replace another he had ruined by spilling sun tan oil over it; but more importantly than that, it contained the precious clay tablet, a miniature Rosetta stone for the pre-Sumerian culture.  The police uniforms had been stripped off in the car and the prison she was being kept in had a makeshift air. It smelt of diesel oil.  Clearly her captors were not regular police or military. This must be the work of some undercover group, part of what everyone was now calling the Undeclared War.  Was she the prisoner of some Al Quaida influenced group or some other enemy of Western culture? Jane was confused but endeavoured to remain valiant.  Perhaps Said was still being pursued even now.  He was so fastidious and sensitive that she was nearly sure that he was gay.  If so, he could hardly be on the side of the fanatics.  She must protect his identity for as long as she could.  His assistance had enabled her to pay the thieves who had looted the tablet and hopefully evade the inevitable international squabble over ownership.  Once she had got it aboard the plane and safely in the air she would have shown it to Professor Putticock.  He would have to swallow his scoffing at the idea that women might have special skill at languages.  The two or three nations involved could squabble over ownership all they liked once the tablet had been properly authenticated and recorded.


In the front office Adnam Horga, part time smuggler and undercover agent for Alliance Intelligence, was reporting progress to the military officer who had come out with the VIP from the USA.  WWW had once meant the World Wide Web, now parts of it were enemy territory and much of the rest a place of guerrilla war.  Since it had turned into World Wide War the military overrode anything civilian.

“The woman’s bag was blown up in a controlled explosion, Major, but the bomb turned out to be in the identical bag found abandoned at the airport.  They must have intended to switch them.”

“The bomb carrier was female?” The Major shook her close-cropped head. “Some weirdoes these people are!  The sneaky bitch would have killed the whole planeload of us!”

She had lips worthy of a movie starlet, Horga thought in lustful fascination.  And could have his funding cut off, he quickly reminded himself.  The short military crop didn’t disguise the startling red colour of her hair.  She was a well-built woman too, nice pair of legs and strong thighs that strained the knee-length skirt of her dress uniform.  The Americans employed women in their military as if there were no sexes.  It demeaned a man to have to serve under them.

“According to the papers the boyfriend was carrying, she was a Lebanese schoolteacher with a membership card in the Party of God.  But they look faked. She sounds Egyptian.  She claims to be English.  She says she is an archaeologist, and knows Professor Putticock.”

“Maybe she is.  Maybe she does! Those Limey bitches don’t care who they fuck with and converts make the worst kind of fanatic.  Shows how clever the enemy is. They must have read his file.  The old goat would have been locked up if he weren’t so crucial a player.  Maybe she is the reason they found out his importance in the first place!  I would have advised against letting him fly here.  We know the enemy can break any code message they think is worth the effort, otherwise we could have had this discussion by satellite link instead of me having to go back and forth in person.”

“You think it was him she was trying to kill, Major?  I guess the ancient language business was just a cover story.”

“You might say that.  But he did come to address the archaeological conference right enough.  What about the guy who was with her, the boyfriend?  Will he talk?”

“He has some protection; he’s the nephew of the Police Minister here.  We have no skilled interrogators and there isn’t much time.  The government have a foot in both camps, delegates in both the Real UN and the Alternative!”

“It has to be something that leaves no marks and can be denied afterwards!”  The Major hardened her voice.  “Put pressure on him through the woman.  These people are keen on female purity.”  She fished in her briefcase.  “Try this on her!  It’s the latest MC drug.  Makes the prisoner completely suggestible.  Get hold of some porn movies and feed them to her.  See how the boyfriend reacts to watching her have eager sex with other guys.  Make sure he knows you are recording it.   I’m sure you can find some volunteers from your macho gang!” she added sourly. 

“MCD 32?” he read as he examined the row of small capsules.  “Will it have such a quick effect?” 

“Supposed to work fast.  Guaranteed effective in minutes.  A combination of mind control drug and aphrodisiac.”

“You people should get your eggheads to work on communications.  Some of the stuff they come up with is out of this world!”  The American looked sharply at the local man but she only responded to it dismissively.

“Yeah, out of this world.”