With a great show of reluctance, Angelica made her way behind the screen and the other occupants of the room listened to the sounds of fabric moving and sliding over skin. There was a long moment of silence, which was broken at last by the sound of slippered feet and the sight of Angelica coming around the screen, dressed only in a white cotton gown and a pair of carpet slippers. Despite the fact that the gown was respectably modest, the sleeves fully covering her arms and the hem going all the way down to the floor, her cheeks were red with embarrassment in the knowledge that she was totally naked under that single garment.

Dr Seward led her to the examination table and had her sit on the black leather top. He had her undo her hair, which fell to the middle of her back, and then checked her eyes, ears and mouth, making careful notes all the while. He also felt the shape of her head, running his fingers through her hair and palpitating her scalp.

Angelica rapidly came to feel like a prize pig or cow at a country fair, but made no complaint. She was acutely aware that much worse was to come, and soon.

Dr Seward's examination had progressed to her throat, neck and shoulders. Then he said, "Kindly slip your arms out of the sleeves and lower the gown to your waist so that I may continue with the examination."

Angelica could almost palpably feel the gaze of the doctor and the other two women upon her skin, like cobwebs blown against her body by the wind. Dr Seward had warned her that should she refuse to comply with his instructions, he would call upon the services of some nurses to restrain her. With a shudder of horror, she pulled the front of the gown apart and allowed the garment to slide down her slim white shoulders and to fall of its own accord down to her waist. She extracted her arms and hands from the sleeves one at a time, cringing as she felt her breasts sway as she moved. She felt Dr Seward's hands move over her shoulders, trace her collar bones, and then touch the upper slopes of her breasts.

He said, "I am now going to palpitate your breasts and then stimulate your nipples with my fingers in order to ensure that they are in good health and ready to perform their natural function of producing milk for the children that you no doubt shall bear in the future. Sit up straight and pull your shoulders back."

Angelica gasped when his hands closed over her breasts. No one apart than herself had ever touched them since they had developed their present full, rounded feminine shape. She had been expecting him to grope and squeeze them like a cook selecting a pair of grapefruit at a market stall, but instead, his touch was gentle and caressing. Being a good, proper, god fearing English girl, it had never even occurred to her that her breasts could be a source of pleasurable sensations. It therefore came to her as quite a shock when she discovered that the doctor's touch was not only painless, but quite stimulating as well. Shivers of a quite heretofore unknown sensation ran down her spine and made her hands clench into fists. She blushed bright red when she glanced up and saw Dr Seward's knowing smile.