Chapter One


Lily had been startled by her first acquaintance with professor James Ross. Nor had she been the only one. Most of the students at Princeton were the pampered children of the rich, and had been spoiled and protected their entire lives. Their world was one of polished gentility and polite political correctness in which all people were treated with respect (except conservatives, of course).

Princeton largely catered to that mentality. As did Professor Ross – on the surface. It was not possible to point to anything he particularly said, any words which were amiss or could be complained about. He was invariably polite, or at least, the words he spoke were.

But his eyes could thrust an icy sword through the self-esteem of any student who failed to satisfy his demands, and his polite words could be similarly cold, as could his tone. He was a deeply intimidating person, even without taking into account his towering reputation in his field of Criminal Law.

It was that reputation which caused Princeton to lure him into teaching after he had broken with his old partners in an acrimonious exchange of insults and lawsuits which had been fascinating reading for all his students – though none would admit to having done so, at least, not to him.

Ross did not need the money from teaching. He had made an enormous amount of money as one of the country's top criminal lawyers and now, apparently, was writing a book. No one was quite sure what had decided him to take up residence at Princeton for a year or two, but everyone who could get into his classes had done their best to do so.

Quite a few had quickly left again, his forceful personality and abrasive, challenging style too much for delicate personalities.

Ross did not insult his students, but his voice, deep and cool, could shred their arguments and answers so easily and so totally their self-esteem suffered the same fate. Listening to him was an education in itself, if one could handle the anxiety of being asked to answer a question.

Lily Ainsworth felt the same anxiety as everyone else in the lecture room, as well as the same fascination. No one, but no one played with their phones or laptops in his presence. No one wanted to miss his keen and terrible insights into law and cases, and no one dared catch his eye by apparently not paying attention.

He paced as he spoke, paced like a lion, back and forth, his cool eyes raking his audience as he moved, liked a predator seeking prey. Like others, Lily did her best to be nondescript and unnoticeable, slumping somewhat in her seat. She wore a bland gray blazer and black trousers, and half hid her face behind her open laptop.

Ross was a large man, tall, with broad shoulders, intimidating in both his presence and his size. He loomed over most of his students. His cool eyes and large size gave off an air of menace to those who moved too close and challenged him. Lily had seen students unconsciously backing away from him as they spoke.

The idea that a man like James Ross was a danger to anyone – aside from in the court room – was absurd, of course. Ross was not a violent man, but an esteemed lawyer, after all. Yet he still reminded her of some great, wild predator beast as he paced below.

She had spoken to him, daringly found cause to speak to him, on several occasions, and had come away with pounding heart and racing pulse on both occasions. He was simply not like any other man she had ever encountered in his utterly unfeigned air of confidence and steely determination. Combined with a towering intellect – and size, she found herself quite fascinated.

In more ways than one.

Ross was considerably older than her, over fifty, in fact. She was quite literally young enough to be his daughter. But there was nothing paternalistic about Ross, nothing which reminded her of anyone's father or uncle or grandfather.

And perhaps because of that, and his still quite evident physical strength, she had found herself daydreaming, on occasion, about what it would be like to be with such a man. How would he kiss a girl? How would he touch and hold her? Would he be gentle? That seemed unlikely in the extreme!

Yet he was no clumsy, unlettered oaf. He was a shrewd, deeply intelligent and sophisticated man. Not, in other words, the sort of slope-forehead type to have cheap, hurried sex and then roll off to yawn and fall asleep.

Would he whisper soft poetry into her ear, or chew her ear off, like some great, feral beast!?

There had never been a hint of impropriety in his behavior towards students, but on those few occasions when she had spoken to him Lily had gotten not only the impression of those cool eyes assessing the wisdom of what she said, but the much more hot-blooded predator examining her as possible prey.

He was certainly heterosexual. He had seven children, after all, by four different, now divorced wives. Did he look upon his young, relatively innocent, yet also beautiful and shapely young female students as mere children, or did a man's hunger lurk behind his eyes?

Lily had read an article recently in which it was stated that women generally found a man sexiest when he was a few years older than they. And this did not change through their lives. Men, on the other hand, responding to that old instinct to procreate, preferred young, shapely women just out of adolescence, no matter how old the man got.

She, as it happened, was twenty-one.

And she had no doubt whatsoever of her attractiveness and sexual desirability. She'd been pursued for both since puberty had made clear just how shapely and beautiful a young woman she was becoming.

She had a slender, athletic body with flat belly, perfectly sculpted legs, and full, firm breasts. Her hair was a rich, deep mahogany. It spilled down on either side of her face and past her shoulders, perfectly ordered, perfectly straight, like a curtain of silk. It framed a face with high cheekbones, full lips, and bright green eyes.

Lily did not need to do anything to draw the eyes of men. They were drawn to her, whether she willed it or not. And sometimes, in that big lecture hall, halfway up the long, rounded row of desks, she thought his eyes halted their roaming as they came upon her, and felt a breathless sense of being the subject of his full attention before those eyes moved on.

It did not really occur to her how she might bring her daydreams to life, for they were silly and girlish, and she would never dare to approach such a man in hopes of artful seduction. The very idea was laughable. And he probably would laugh, pat her on the head, and send her on her way, mortified.

But it was still a fantasy which played out often enough in her mind to intrigue her every time she saw him.


Lily felt uncharacteristically nervous as she waited, just up the hall from Professor Ross's door. She was not normally a shy girl, nor one lacking confidence and a sense of self-assurance. She even felt a sense of entitlement was one of her principal character flaws. She had been raised all her life with praise as to her intelligence and abilities and looks, after all, by quite successful and well-off parents.

But she was approaching Professor Ross with what she knew was one of his least favorite requests; that he give her an extension on her project. He granted few such requests, nor welcomed them. He felt, she knew, that as adults it was their responsibility to meet assigned schedules, and he was rarely interested in excuses.

She thought her chance of gaining an extension unlikely. Other teachers might well have agreed, but Ross was not a kindly nor understanding man. There were rules to be followed, and if you failed, then you must be punished. That, of course, was understandable in a man lecturing on criminal law. But it made asking for exceptions a daunting prospect.

In fact, one of the major reasons she had argued herself into even making the attempt was the chance to speak to him alone, just to... engage with him. And she certainly didn't want anyone else around when she did so! He was likely to greet her request with contempt and she had no interest in other students witnessing it!

In fact, she was arguing with herself even as she waited for the last student to leave. Why am I doing this? He's going to chew me up and spit me out! Still, the chance to be alone with him and talk to him, and maybe find out just a bit more about what kind of a man he was, drew her helplessly on.

She checked over her shoulder again to make sure there were no other students. She'd left each time one appeared. Not that he had many. He was too intimidating for many students to dare to seek him out one on one. And it was nearly the end of his consultation time.

The student ahead of her left, and after steeling herself, Lily marched forward to his door and peeked inside.

She had been to a number of her teachers' offices, and they were universally untidy. They all had bookshelves, and the books were often tossed atop others, or stuffed here and there. Student papers and reports were often piled all over the desk and chairs – and sometimes the floors.

Not here. The dark wooden shelves held row on row of law books, all neatly in place. His desk contained one small pile of papers as he read through them. The credenza next to it held a computer and printer. And soft, classical music played from a small stereo. It was a well-ordered office for a man who insisted on order from others.

She cleared her throat, but he didn't look up. She raised her fist to knock.

“Yes, Ms. Ainsworth?” he said, raising his eyes only after speaking.

Startled, she paused to gather her thoughts.

“Uhm, excuse me for interrupting you, Professor –.”

“This is my consultation period, the purpose of which is to allow students to come here and ask clarification. How can you be interrupting, Ms. Ainsworth?”


He sighed and sat back in his high leather chair, his eyes piercing her as she stood in the doorway.

“Come in and close the door. Unless you want my unflattering views of your request for delays to filter out into whoever is waiting behind you.”

She gulped, her heart beating quicker, then sidled in through the half-open door and eased it closed behind her.

“That is your request, is it not? I've come to recognize the look of students seeking that which they know I have little interest in granting.”

“Uhm – .”

“Stop that.”

She halted, startled.

“Speech disfluency has never impressed me. Expressions like 'um' are merely fillers, and should never be used by attorneys. They indicate a lack of self-confidence, a hesitation and uncertainty. Have you ever heard me say 'uhm', Ms. Adam-Foster?”

“N-No, sir!”

“Nor will you. If you don't know what to say, Ms. Ainsworth, then say nothing. Silence is far more profound.”


“Ah, here we come to the apology for your being unable to meet your deadline, am I correct?”

“Well, ahm, that is, I had the flu, you see, and – .”

“Have you had your flu shot?”

She looked at him blankly. Wasn't the flu shot for old people?

“I take it that's a no. By which you mean you failed to take an elementary precaution against being sick and missing classes and work assignments. That being the case, you don't really deserve any consideration for the time-consuming nature of your temporary illness.”

“I uhm – .”

“Ms. Ainsworth there was a time when children half your age would be caned for using fillers in their language. This produced generations of attorneys who spoke flawless and confident English, and did not open their mouths without knowing what to say. Alas, we are beyond that period, and I have no cane. Nevertheless, I expect you to avoid the use of uhm, ahm, or mmm in my presence,” he said, making the sounds somewhat mockingly.

Lily's face colored.

“I'm sorry. I-I guess it's kind of a habit.”

“A habit you very much need to break yourself of. You intend specializing in criminal law, yes?”

“Well, yes... sir.”

“That means negotiations with the prosecution if you are a defense attorney or with the defense attorneys if the prosecution. It means speaking before a jury and judge in a convincing manner.”

He made a face. “Spare the rod, spoil the child,” he said with a sigh.

“I only need two more days, sir,” she said, launching a last appeal.

“Ask me for anything but time,” he replied. “Who said that, girl?”

“Napoleon, sir.”

“Correct. I owe you no time, and I intend to give you none, girl. If you want something from me you need to earn it. How do you intend to earn that time?”

“Uhm... by doing a really good job?”

He snorted disdainfully. “Doing a really good job, girl, is the default situation I expect from every student, including those who complete their assignments on time. Try again.”

Lily was... confused. What could she give him?

“Would you, for example, pay me money for extra time?”

“Uh... I mean, yes sir!” she gulped, blushing hotly.

He snorted. “But you have no money, girl. Your money came from your parents' labors, not your own. So it's hardly any sort of effort or sacrifice on your part.”

She hesitated again, trying to understand what he wanted.

“Let me try this; should you not be punished for being late?”

“But I'm not late!”

“But you will be.”

She made a face.

“The normal punishment for being late is a deduction of ten percent of your mark for each day you are late. I gather you would prefer not to suffer such punishment.”

She nodded her head jerkily.

“Yet would it not be unfair to the other students were I to exempt you from the same punishment many of them have been subjected to? Mercy to one can be an injustice to the many unless applied with care. No, girl, you must be punished, one way or the other. Would you prefer another punishment?”

“I well, uhm – .” She blushed again. “Well, wh-what kind of punishment?”

His eyes pierced her, those cold, assessing eyes. But with them, just behind them, was a hotter, more calculating inspection. That kind of attention she had felt before in the lecture halls, that attention which made her lower belly thrum.

“Have you ever been subjected to corporal punishment, girl?”

Lily stared at him in confusion.

“You've never, I take it, had the hand of a guardian, parent or teacher applied to the seat of your problems?”

Lily felt her face flushing even more deeply, and felt a sudden wild, breathlessness. Surely he wasn't suggesting...surely he wasn't daring to even hint that...!? The idea was so utterly outrageous she could hardly believe she wasn't deeply mistaken!

“Didn't think so. Spankings are uncommon among your generation, which, I think, is not unrelated to the lack of discipline most of you have.”

Lily stared at him, open-mouthed, her mind spinning. Was he really suggesting she let him... spank her!? The idea was shocking in multiple ways. It filled her with a stunned sense of confusion and an urge to voice her outrage!

But the idea... the idea of letting him spank her, suddenly filled Lily with such a wild, dark wave of heat that she felt her legs go rubbery.

All her silly daydreams had been just that. For she'd known he was so out of her league, so much more sophisticated and knowledgeable, so much older and more self-assured than her that he'd laugh at the very idea. But he wasn't proposing an affair – exactly. He was proposing something that had dark, scalding sexual overtones but in which he would be unquestionably in charge.

“I think you have an intelligent mind, girl,” he said. “But you lack discipline. The application of some... discipline, to that unquestionably fine mind, and similarly unquestionably fine bottom of yours could result in considerable improvement in your chances of reaching your potential.

She stared at him, aghast, but also gripped with a sudden wild sense of... anticipation, and possibilities.

Lily was not a shy girl, after all. Nor was she particularly shy about her body. She took pride in how shapely and well-toned she was, and displayed it in very small bikinis at the beach and at pools. She'd also found a delicious and exciting sense of freedom on the beaches of France and Spain in going topless.

She was not particularly intimidated at the thought of a man examining her bottom, much less touching it, and had little fear of being 'spanked', which to her mind simply mean light slaps to the buttocks. The chance of getting closer to the professor on the other hand, in a sexual way, left her feeling deeply excited.

“I...uhm, that is – .”

She certainly couldn't show any enthusiasm for this! She had no intention of doing a single thing which might let him know of her previous interest!

“Someone ought to slap your bottom every time you use that filler,” he said, eyes narrowing. “That would put a stop to it before long.”

“I-I would... be given the extra two days if... if I let you – .”

“If you agree to substitute one punishment for another, then I would consider that a fair exchange,” he said.

“Well... uhm – . That is, how... when – .”

“Now, of course.”

Lily felt a jolt that almost made her stomach turn over! Suddenly it was full of butterflies, swirling around at breakneck speed!

He stood up, and she shrank back against the door. But he instead of moving towards her he simply picked up the straight-backed chair which sat against the wall, swung it around and then sat down.

“Well, is it agreed?”

“I uhm – I uhm...”

His eyes narrowed.

“I-I... I guess so,” she said, her voice quivering.

“Yes or no. One or the other.”

“I... y-yes.”


“Yes, sir!”

“Very well. Drop your pants and put yourself across my lap.”

Lily felt another wild emotional jolt, her jaw dropping.

“It is traditional, girl, and it adds a proper degree of shame to the proceedings which you will not soon forget.”

“B-but – .”

“You do have underwear on?”

“Y-yes but – .”

“Then do it, girl,” he barked.

Blushing furiously, her chest tight, Lily's hands went to her belt, trembling as they undid it. Her face felt so hot she marveled it didn't burst into flames! She opened her belt, undid the clip on her trousers, and then tugged the zipper down.

Her embarrassment rose as her zipper fell, and then, her mind churning as badly as her stomach, she let her trousers drop to her ankles and then shuffled up and bent forward.

She gasped as he took her arm and pulled her across his lap. He was a big man, and she was a slender girl! Then she felt a fresh flood of embarrassment, for he settled her belly-down across his lap, with her bottom right below him. And she was wearing, as she always did, an attractive, expensive, and fashionable thong.

The thong was black. Two slim black straps rose from the front, cut diagonally over her hips, and then almost met behind at her spine. Almost, but not quite. The third slid up between her buttocks and almost met them at the small of her back. Almost. A silver colored ring shaped like a heart joined the three together at the top of her buttocks.

She gasped as his big hand came down on her bare bottom.

“Women's lingerie has never ceased to amaze me,” he said. “The psychology behind what they cover and what they reveal could make for many an academic paper.”

His hand, his big, soft, warm hand, was caressing her bare buttocks as he spoke, and Lily's heart was beating faster and faster as she felt it!

“Are you ready for your punishment, girl?”

“Y-Y-Yes!” she squeaked.

Her head and shoulders, along with her arms had spilled over his left side, and the blood was rushing to her head. Her feet and legs dangled off his right. She couldn't see what he was doing, only feel!


“Oh!” she yelped, as his hand came down with a sharp slap to her bare buttocks.



It stung a lot more than she had imagined it would!



“This is, of course, an age-old method of disciplining the young – and women,” he said.



“It allows for pain to act in a disciplinary manner, but does no actual harm to the slender and more fragile body of either child or female.”

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

His hand came down across her bottom again and again, and the sharp stinging blows were causing her soft flesh to become more and more tender. Lily could feel how warm they were getting as they throbbed with heat!

The pain, though, was a minor consideration. Her mind was consumed with the stunning reality that she was half naked (practically!) and laying across Professor Ross' lap! And he was staring down at her bare bottom and even touching it! And what more would he do?! What more could he do!? What more did he want to do!?

What more did she want him to do!?

It was impossible to keep still as his hand slapped down on her bottom, and Lily found herself squirming helplessly on his lap. That made it necessary (she supposed) for him to pause and re-adjust her on his lap every now and then.

The first time he did so his big hand encircled her thigh quite high up, practically touching her crotch as he tugged her in closer.

The closeness of that hand sent a dark spear of heat and anticipation through Lily's mind.

She gasped at several more blows, squirming harder. She felt him grip her thigh again to tug her back, and this time the edge of his hand actually made light contact with her pantie covered sex before he resumed spanking!

Lily felt the strange buildup of dark heat and energy filling her with a kind of terrible pressure, a pressure that made her tremble and tightened her chest so much it as hard to breathe!

She squirmed some more, and again he grasped her thigh and pulled her back into position. This time, though, the edge of his hand was pressing firmly against her sex!

“Hold still, Girl,” he growled. “You agreed to the terms. Don't try to squirm out of them.”

Lily shuddered. The pressure of his hand against her sex sent a powerful rush of sensation up through her body! She could feel her nipples tingling inside the cups of her bra. Her pussy felt hot and swollen! Then he pulled his hand away.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

His hand came down repeatedly on her bottom with sharp, stinging blows, and the pain was rising to a degree she began to feel a sense of desperation that it stop.

And then it did, as he halted his blows

Lily shuddered and moaned, shifting on his lap. His hand gripped her thigh again, quite high up, the curve of his hand once again pressing quite firmly into the crotch of her thong.

“Now, Girl, I trust that you will meet your new deadline,” he said.

His hand was now... stroking her inner thigh, but doing it side to side, so that the curve of his hand, and particularly his index finger ground back and forth against her pussy.

“If not, further punishment will be due you – quite appropriate punishment, and quite deserved given you know full well what is in store.”

Lily had never been so aware of the thickness of the fabric covering her pussy, nor felt the strange yearning that it be pulled away so that his fingers could touch her bare flesh.

Instead, he pulled her up and back, and rose, steadying her as she got dazedly to her feet.

“The extension is precisely two days and no more. Now pull your trousers up, Girl.”

Blushing hotly, Lily did so, and then stumbled out of his office, breathless and wide-eyed.